Meet Kelly
A little about me
I imagine I am very similar to you – I am a mom of two, at this moment 18 & 20. A wife, married almost 30 years to my best friend, my other half, and the guy that drives me crazy (both good & bad! 😊). & I am mom to two large dogs and a very spoiled cat.

As for our story, well, it became interesting when my husband had brain surgery at age 45 to remove a pineal gland cystic mass from the middle of his brain. During his recovery my back went out on me again at age 43 (the first time was in my third trimester with our daughter). Being in our mid-40's with two young, active kids and busy corporate jobs, we had a decision to make: do we give in to the tug and the thought that we cannot do what we used to or do we fight for our health and our desire to stay active?

Too many people think that once they hit 40+ that their life as they know it is over, that aging is the thing that is going to keep them from doing the things they want to do, so they throw in the towel and decide to give up on all that they still can do to stay fit and healthy. When they do this their health tends to start to decline because they think "this is just how it's supposed to be."
“I’m too old for…” fill in the blank!
I feel very strongly that this thought, this mindset, needs to change.
I hope to inspire you to see that you owe it to yourself and your family to never give up or give in!
At 53, I am in great shape and stronger than I have ever been – the reason why? I didn’t give up – I could have thrown in the towel and let my health decline, and I would have had justified reasons to do so, but I didn’t, instead I doubled down and fought for my health.
I did this & still do, while starting another business (yes after 50), raising two great kids, & battling what we have now discovered will be a lifelong issue for my husband: a rare neuromuscular auto immune issue called Lambert Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome (LEMS). True to his Marine training though, that doesn’t stop him from getting out their either.
I want you to know that you can, and that you need to, continue to do the tough things because it matters. It matters to your health, it matters to your family, it matters to your life!

I feel so passionately about this that I left the financial services industry to start a Wellness Advising firm called Power Through Wellness: Your Power Comes from Within. My 8-week group coaching program is designed to help you create a strategic wellness plan like you would a financial plan, were we work together to create a life of wellness through strategic planning, personal assessments, coaching, goal setting, implementation, and accountability.
On the professional side, here’s my history & recognitions:
For the past 25 years I have worked in the financial services industry providing financial education and coaching to participants of group retirement plans as well as fiduciary oversight to the plans they save in.
I speak frequently at conferences and hold the following designations: National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC), ADAPT Certified Functional Health Coach (A-CFHC), Qualified Plan Financial Consultant (QPFC), and Chartered Retirement Plan Specialist (CRPS). MBA from Regis University, Denver, CO.
I have also been named among the Financial Times 401 Top Retirement Plan Advisors for 2015 and 2016 and received the National Association of Plan Advisors All Star Award for Top Women Advisors in 2017 and 2019.